Thursday, December 19, 2013

The Phil Robertson Debacle

Eh, I might as well just get it out there.

I may not agree with Phil's comments, but I agree with the fact that he can speak them publicly. However, I also agree that A&E, being a private company, can suspend/fire/shitcan him for said comments.

Now, for you numbnuts out there saying "He's being persecuted! His freedom of speech is being attacked!" Nay. It is not. Freedom of Speech protects you from THE GOVERNMENT. The Constitution and its amendments are there to protect the citizen from the Government. It does not protect you from your boss firing you because you have spoken out publicly a personal belief that does not coincide with the company's. Sad truth. Sorry.

Quite a few people seem to realize that not only did he spew comments about homosexuality, he made ignorant snipes about black people as well. He also referenced Nazi's and Islamists. The homosexuality just happens to be the biggest issue of the current age, hence why it's the big news.

People are also saying that his religion is being attacked. Uh....nay. If he were being attacked on his religion, he would have been shitcanned a long time ago. He's made his religious beliefs known, both on and off the show, for quite some time.

So, to any people saying the above, saying they are going to "boycott" A&E, not only are you ignorant, you're just plain fucking stupid. Why?

1. You obviously don't know how the First Amendment works, or who it truly protects you from. You don't know the difference between the U.S. Government and an Employer.

2. You don't have the common sense to realize that if he was terminated on religious beliefs (you can't without being sued, as that's discrimination, something else you don't realize), he would have been banned from the get go.

3. A&E won't give too shits about your boycott. Besides, he already filmed a new season which hasn't aired.'re definitely not going to watch a show you love because of the network. Try to lie a little less, folks.

4. His rant didn't only involve homosexuals. You gasped at the headline without bothering to read the article where he was interviewed. So you've based your opinions and "facts" on little to zero research.

Yeah. You're dumber than a box of shit. Go die somewhere.

P.S. You are MORE than welcome to comment your opinion here, and tell me just how awful I am, but remember, just like Phil said something he believed in and something that was controversial, that you say was well within his rights, I'm doing the same thing. So try not to be a hypocrite when posting, mkay, kiddos?

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