So, the big thing today has been just errands, like getting taxes done, paying bills, that way the weekend can be spent relaxing.
My idea of relaxing? Cleaning all the gunk out of my internet, as well as my computer. We are talking complete reorganization of my computer files, as well as my internet stuff. Emails I no longer use are getting deleted, the ones I do use are getting cleaned out, and I'm also unsubscribing to crap I no longer read. Not to mention, getting various social media stuff linked with the email account it should be linked with.
Yes, I have several emails, and I'm a bit OCD about it. I have this blog, which is linked to my personal email, which is linked to personal Facebook, personal Twitter, personal Tumblr, etc. etc. Well, I have an online persona, where I'd like to keep it separate from my personal stuff as much as possible. Partially for the sake of organization, and partially for keeping away the creepers that show up. Don't need them getting my personal stuff.
Anyway, I have a lot of junk to go through and get rid of. The hubby is behind me playing World of Warcraft, which is all fine and dandy. I get to listen to game music while I do this I suppose, although I think I'd like to pop on iTunes and listen to some of my own music at some point soon.
Which reminds me, I need to sync my iPhone....really bad. Devastatingly bad. I'll get that done tonight too. Happy Friday, bitches!
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